Country: Singapore

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Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew's Mission India

Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew's Mission India
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  ISEAS / Penguin India
Number of pages:  384
Code:  BM386
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814279048
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Management of Success: Singapore Revisited

Management of Success: Singapore Revisited
Terence Chong, editor
Date of publication:  2010
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  638
Code:  BM407

Road to Recovery: Singapore's Journey through the Global Crisis

Road to Recovery: Singapore's Journey through the Global Crisis
Date of publication:  2010
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  228
Code:  BM413

In Lieu of Ideology: An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee

In Lieu of Ideology: An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee
Ooi Kee Beng, author
Date of publication:  2010
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  307
Code:  BM421
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789814311311
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Beyond the Myth: Indian Business Communities in Singapore

Beyond the Myth: Indian Business Communities in Singapore
Date of publication:  2011
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  371
Code:  BM424

Private Passion: The Photographs of Pioneer Politician and Diplomat S. Rajaratnam

Private Passion: The Photographs of Pioneer Politician and Diplomat S. Rajaratnam
Date of publication:  2011
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  120
Code:  BM425
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814311434
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Serving a New Nation: Baey Lian Peck's Singapore Story

Serving a New Nation: Baey Lian Peck's Singapore Story
Ooi Kee Beng, author
Date of publication:  2011
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  141
Code:  BM447

One Degree, Many Choices: A Glimpse into the Career Choices of the NTI Pioneer Engineering Class of 85

One Degree, Many Choices: A Glimpse into the Career Choices of the NTI Pioneer Engineering Class of 85
Liu Fook Thim, editor
Date of publication:  2012
Publisher:  NTU Alumni Club
Number of pages:  206
Code:  BM454

The Population of Singapore (Third Edition)

The Population of Singapore (Third Edition)
Saw Swee-Hock, author
Date of publication:  2012
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  362
Code:  BM464
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789814380980
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Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814380317
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Different Under God: A Survey of Church-going Protestants in Singapore

Different Under God: A Survey of Church-going Protestants in Singapore
Date of publication:  2013
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  184
Code:  BM470
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814414425
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The Ethnic Chinese in the ASEAN States: Bibliographical Essays

The Ethnic Chinese in the ASEAN States: Bibliographical Essays
Leo Suryadinata, author
Date of publication:  1989
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  272
Code:  BM92

Singapore and International Law: The Early Years, Essays in Memory of S Tiwari

Singapore and International Law: The Early Years, Essays in Memory of S Tiwari
Kevin YL. Tan, editor
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  Centre for International Law, NUS
Number of pages:  240
Code:  CIL1

Clean, Green and Blue: Singapore's Journey Towards Environmental and Water Sustainability

Clean, Green and Blue: Singapore's Journey Towards Environmental and Water Sustainability
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  390
Code:  EDS11
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812308603
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Energy Perspectives on Singapore and the Region

Energy Perspectives on Singapore and the Region
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  372
Code:  ENERGY1
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304100
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A New Energy Frontier: The Bay of Bengal Region

A New Energy Frontier: The Bay of Bengal Region
Sudhir T Devare, editor
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  205
Code:  ENERGY3
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812307811
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Southeast Asia's Economic Crisis: Origins, Lessons, and the Way Forward

Southeast Asia's Economic Crisis: Origins, Lessons, and the Way Forward
H W Arndt, Hal Hill, editors
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / Allen / SMP
Number of pages:  192
Code:  ICEA15

Coping with Capital Flows in East Asia

Coping with Capital Flows in East Asia
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / NRI
Number of pages:  334
Code:  ICEA19

East Asia's Financial Systems: Evolution and Crisis

East Asia's Financial Systems: Evolution and Crisis
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / NRI
Number of pages:  370
Code:  ICEA20

Financial Resources for Development in Myanmar: Lessons from Asia

Financial Resources for Development in Myanmar: Lessons from Asia
Mya Than, Myat Thein, editors
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  252
Code:  ICEA22

Growth and Development of the IT Industry in Bangalore and Singapore: A Comparative Study

Growth and Development of the IT Industry in Bangalore and Singapore: A Comparative Study
Date of publication:  2001
Publisher:  ISEAS / Sterling
Number of pages:  88
Code:  ICEA27

Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia: History, Causes and Remedies

Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia: History, Causes and Remedies
Adam J Young, author
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  IIAS
Number of pages:  160
Code:  IIAS-P3
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304070
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Tangled Worlds: The Story of Maria Hertogh

Tangled Worlds: The Story of Maria Hertogh
Date of publication:  1980
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  64
Code:  LH1

War and Memory in Malaysia and Singapore

War and Memory in Malaysia and Singapore
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  196
Code:  LH10
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812300379
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Peranakan Indians of Singapore and Melaka: Indian Babas and Nonyas - Chitty Melaka

Peranakan Indians of Singapore and Melaka: Indian Babas and Nonyas - Chitty Melaka
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  118
Code:  LH14
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812303462
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S. Rajaratnam: The Prophetic and the Political (2nd Edition 2007)

S. Rajaratnam: The Prophetic and the Political (2nd Edition 2007)
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  ISEAS / Graham Brash
Number of pages:  557
Code:  LH18

Zubir Said, the Composer of Majulah Singapura

Zubir Said, the Composer of Majulah Singapura
Rohana Zubir, author
Date of publication:  2012
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  280
Code:  LH22
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789814311816
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Like Tigers Around a Piece of Meat: The Baba Style of Dondang Sayang

Like Tigers Around a Piece of Meat: The Baba Style of Dondang Sayang
Phillip Thomas, author
Date of publication:  1986
Number of pages:  83
Code:  LH4

Singapore and the Indonesian Revolution 1945-50: Recollections of Suryono Darusman

Singapore and the Indonesian Revolution 1945-50: Recollections of Suryono Darusman
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  73
Code:  LH8

Capital Markets in Asia: Changing Roles for Economic Development

Capital Markets in Asia: Changing Roles for Economic Development
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  282
Code:  OAB1

Education for Development: Lessons from East Asia for Bangladesh

Education for Development: Lessons from East Asia for Bangladesh
Atiur Rahman, author
Date of publication:  2002
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  111
Code:  OP96

Information Technology in Asia: New Development Paradigms

Information Technology in Asia: New Development Paradigms
Date of publication:  2002
Number of pages:  326
Code:  PIC103

Tribal Communities in the Malay World: Historical, Cultural and Social Perspectives

Tribal Communities in the Malay World: Historical, Cultural and Social Perspectives
Date of publication:  2002
Publisher:  ISEAS / IIAS
Number of pages:  489
Code:  PIC106
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812301666
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Financing Southeast Asia's Economic Development

Financing Southeast Asia's Economic Development
Nick J Freeman, editor
Date of publication:  2003
Number of pages:  372
Code:  PIC108

Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics, and Regulations

Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics, and Regulations
Ho Khai Leong, editor
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  387
Code:  PIC129
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812302953
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Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812302915
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Singapore Energy Conference 2006: Summary Report

Singapore Energy Conference 2006: Summary Report
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  74
Code:  PIC158

Southeast Asia - New Zealand Dialogue: Towards a Closer Partnership

Southeast Asia - New Zealand Dialogue: Towards a Closer Partnership
Date of publication:  2007
Number of pages:  96
Code:  PIC160

Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia

Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  212
Code:  PIC162
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304681
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Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812303288
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Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia

Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  229
Code:  PIC164
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304827
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Globalization and Its Counterforces in Southeast Asia

Globalization and Its Counterforces in Southeast Asia
Terence Chong, editor
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  416
Code:  PIC165
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304889
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Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812304780
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Religious Diversity in Singapore

Religious Diversity in Singapore
Lai Ah Eng, editor
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  ISEAS / IPS
Number of pages:  723
Code:  PIC170
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812307538
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Making an ASEAN-EU FTA Work for European Business: Prospects and Challenges

Making an ASEAN-EU FTA Work for European Business: Prospects and Challenges
Rahul Sen, editor
Date of publication:  2008
Number of pages:  34
Code:  PIC171