Energy Perspectives on Singapore and the Region

Energy Perspectives on Singapore and the Region
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  372
Code:  ENERGY1
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304100
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"Given the importance of energy, shouldn't there be an agency specifically tasked to handle energy issues in Singapore? This is one of the many pertinent issues raised in a just-published book -- Energy Perspectives on Singapore and the Region -- and it is certainly one much debated by industry players here. The ISEAS book makes the point that from a strategic oil storage viewpoint, Singapore doesn't really have to be worried. The continuing build-up of oil terminals on Jurong Island suggests that in a crisis, there is more than enough oil stored here to last the republic a whole year -- given Singapore's small domestic consumption of just 70,000 barrels per day. But Singapore's energy scenario is larger than that, given that it is the world's biggest bunkering port and the third largest oil-refining and oil-trading hub. The book also covers a range of topics from solar and renewable energy to energy policies in countries like China and Japan" (Business Times).

About the publication

This book published by ISEAS contains selected papers based on some of the lectures delivered over 2005/2006 at the ISEAS Energy Forum. The aim is to educate the public on a whole range of energy issues and trends in Singapore, Southeast Asia and the wider region. It is a timely review of an important issue which is now on top of regional and international agendas. The papers are written by various experts, who provide detailed and extensive knowledge on a wide variety of energy issues. It is meant for the general reader who wishes to update and inform himself/herself.


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