S. Rajaratnam: The Prophetic and the Political (2nd Edition 2007)

S. Rajaratnam: The Prophetic and the Political (2nd Edition 2007)
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  ISEAS / Graham Brash
Number of pages:  557
Code:  LH18

About the publication

S. Rajaratnam -- journalist, political activist, party ideologue, cabinet minister and senior statesman in Singapore's People's Action Party government. This book, containing the selected speeches and writings of one of the four central figures in the PAP first-generation leadership and certainly its most prolific propagandist, is a vital document of the political thinking, strategy and goals of the leadership which shaped the development and destiny of independent Singapore. In his political career, which is as old as the PAP itself, Rajaratnam carved a special place in Singapore's history as the republic's first Foreign Minister. His speeches on the Great Powers, non-alignment, regional politics in Southeast Asia, ASEAN and regional co-operation, eloquently posit an interesting perspective on behalf of new states in their search for security and prosperity in a hostile and fluid international environment. This book will be of great importance and value to all those interested in the discussion of nation-building, political leadership, the politics of Singapore and the strategy of survival for small states.

Co-publication: ISEAS / Graham Brash

ISEAS / Graham Brash Pte Ltd

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