Country: Indonesia

Search Results

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Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century

Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  96
Code:  SEAB8

The Helsinki Agreement: A More Promising Basis for Peach in Aceh?

The Helsinki Agreement: A More Promising Basis for Peach in Aceh?
Edward Aspinall, author
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  East-West Center
Number of pages:  104
Code:  PS20

Violence in Between: Conflict and Security in Archipelagic Southeast Asia

Violence in Between: Conflict and Security in Archipelagic Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  ISEAS / Monash University Press
Number of pages:  326
Code:  SEC27

Bank Indonesia and the Crisis: An Insider's View

Bank Indonesia and the Crisis: An Insider's View
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  291
Code:  LH13
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812303080
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ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol. 22/2 (Aug 2005)

ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol. 22/2 (Aug 2005)
Date of publication:  August 2005
Number of pages:  136
Code:  AE22/2

Nation Building: Five Southeast Asian Histories

Nation Building: Five Southeast Asian Histories
Wang Gungwu, editor
Date of publication:  2005
Number of pages:  288
Code:  BM282
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812303172
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Emerging Democracy in Indonesia

Emerging Democracy in Indonesia
Date of publication:  2005
Number of pages:  188
Code:  BM284

Housing in Southeast Asian Capital Cities

Housing in Southeast Asian Capital Cities
Ooi Giok Ling, author
Date of publication:  2005
Number of pages:  90
Code:  SEAB4
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