Credit and Debt in Indonesia, 860-1930: From Peonage to Pawnshop, from Kongsi to Cooperative

"As collections of essays go, this one makes a rich and satisfying book; all credit to the editors for its focus and coherence. David Henley's opening chapter sets out the main themes and outlines the content of the subsequent seven chapters. He closes with the sage observation that '[I]n the last analysis, economic development itself is probably the best way to ensure that credit becomes cheaper and more accessible' (p. 33). The central role of debt/credit in maintaining social order and facilitating economic growth is traced over a thousand years of Indonesian history. All told, this volume is a commendable collection of high-quality empirical research. It is refreshing to read a work that places the careful gathering and verification of facts (often fragmentary) above dogmatic generalisations" (Asian Pacific Economic Literature).
About the publication
Co-publication: ISEAS / KITLV Press
Credit and Debt in Indonesia, 860-1930: From Peonage to Pawnshop, from Kongsi to Cooperative
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812308474] -
Preliminary pages
1. Credit and Debt in Indonesian History: An Introduction, by David Henley, author
2. Preliminary Notes on Debt and Credit in Early Island Southeast Asia, by Jan Wisseman Christie, author
3. "Following the Debt": Credit and Debt in Southeast Asian Legal Theory and Practice, 1400-1800, by Peter Boomgaard, author
4. Credit among the Early Modern To Wajoq, by Kathryn Wellen, author
5. Money in Makassar: Credit and Debt in an Eighteenth-Century VOC Settlement, by Heather Sutherland, author
6. Money and Credit in Chinese Mercantile Operations in Colonial and Precolonial Southeast Asia, by Kwee Hui Kian, author
7. A Colonial Debt Crisis: Surabaya in the Late 1890s, by Alexander Claver, author
8. Credit and the Colonial State: The Reform of Capital Markets on Java, 1900-30, by Jan Luiten van Zanden, author
Photo plates