Southeast Asia and New Zealand: A History of Regional and Bilateral Relations

Southeast Asia and New Zealand: A History of Regional and Bilateral Relations
Anthony L Smith, editor
Date of publication:  2005
Publisher:  ISEAS / VUP
Number of pages:  392
Code:  BM278


"This is an unasssumingly excellent collection of essays. Readers interested in Southeast Asian history should not overlook this collection, which reminds us New Zealand is the only small Western country to pay close and sustained attention to the region. Readers interested in New Zealand history, especially foreign policy and how it functioned in the real world, need it in their library" (New Zealand International Review).

"This is a substantial book, a welcome one, and in some senses a pioneering one. For the first time we have a survey of the development of New Zealand's relations with Southeast Asia since they effectively began at the end of the Second World War. The emphasis is on the economic and the political, the military and the strategic. Such an overall survey, moreover, would usefully be placed within a yet larger international context, not so much, perhaps, in order to add to the understanding of developments in Southeast Asia, as to expand our capacity to comment on New Zealand's policymaking. Its bilateral and regional relationships with Southeast Asia are to be seen in the context of its relationships with other states and other regions. New Zealand is a small country with a very wide range of connections across the globe. Any study of its policy in respect of a particular region has to take account of that. Dr Smith and the band he has led offer new material and new insights, provoke thought, provide a good basis for further work in academe and for further experience in the making of policy and its execution" (New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies).

About the publication

This history is an account of Southeast AsiaNew Zealand relations as they have emerged since the end of World War II. Drawing together the most prominent scholars of New Zealand's relations with Southeast Asia, this study examines the overall military, multilateral, and commercial relationships and those that assess individual bilateral relationships and diplomatic controversies. Southeast Asia remains a region of considerable importance for New Zealand, and has remained so through the course of decolonization, internal instability, external security, Cold War tensions, peacekeeping efforts, rapidly expanding economic growth (and crisis), and, increasingly, transitional security challenges such as terrorism.

Co-publication: ISEAS / VUP

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / Victoria University Press


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