The Indonesian Crisis: A Human Development Perspective

Aris Ananta, editor
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
The book focuses on the impact of the 1997-99 economic crisis on human development in Indonesia, especially in 1998, its worst year. Based on the definition used by the UNDP, human development is analysed as covering human capital (education and health) and purchasing power. In this book, the concept of human capital is broadened to include freedom from fear, health, education, and migration. The first part of the book discusses the economic situation in Indonesia. The second elaborates on what happened to human capital during the crisis and the third part examines its effects on purchasing power. Because human development does not occur in a vacuum, the fourth part discusses some emerging issues in Indonesia. The book concludes with some thoughts on people-centred development, which may contribute to more sustainable development than the development concept that simply pursues high economic growth. With this people-centred development, growth rates of about 3 to 4 per cent are adequate, as long as Indonesia achieves success in human development.
The Indonesian Crisis: A Human Development Perspective
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812305169] -
Preliminary pages
- Part I: Introduction
1. What Do We Learn from the Crisis? Insights on Human Development in Indonesia during 199799, by Aris Ananta, author
2. Macroeconomic Recovery: Facts and Prospects, by Adrian Panggabean, author
3. Indonesia's Economic Transformation: Before and During the Economic Crisis, by Muhammad Chatib Basri, author
4. Modelling the Repercussions of Financial Shock on Socio-economic Indicators, by Iwan J. Azis, author
- Part II: Human Capital
5. Freedom from Fear: Social Disruption and System of Violence in Indonesia, by Muhadjir Darwin, author
6. Health Status of Indonesians During the Economic Crisis, by Budi Utomo, author
7. The Indonesian Economic Crisis: Impacts on School Enrolment and Funding, by Djoko Hartono, David Ehrmann, authors
8. Population Mobility and Social Conflict: The Aftermath of the Economic Crisis in Indonesia, by Riwanto Tirtosudarmo, author
- Part III: Purchasing Power
9. Change in Consumer Price: Indonesian Cities, 1997-99, by Aris Ananta, Daksini Kartowibowo, Nurhadi Wiyono, authors
10. Social Safety Net Programmes in Indonesia: Some Efforts to Survive, by Sri Harijati Hatmadji, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, authors
12. The Labour Market in Indonesia during the Crisis, by Tubagus Feridhanusetyawan, author
- Part IV: Emerging Issues
13. Political Economy of Business Relations between Indonesia and Singapore, by Linda Low, author
14. Drug Abuse in Indonesia: An Increasing Problem During the Economic Crisis, by Joyce Djaelani Gordon, David Djaelani Gordon, authors
15. Managing the Elderly in a Crisis Situation, by Santo Koesoebjono, author
16. The Indonesian Crisis in an Alternative Perspective: Views from Outer Indonesia, by Maribeth Erb, Josep Jelahat, authors