Southeast Asian Affairs 1979

Preliminary pages
1. Politics in Southeast Asia: A Year of Conflict, by J L S Girling, author
2. The Southeast Asian Economic Scene: A Review, by Ker Sin Tze, author
3. Current Issues in Asean-Australian Trade Relations, by Clive T Edwards, author
4. The Great Powers And Southeast Asia: A Year of Diplomatic Effervescence, by Chin Kin Wah, author
5. Recent Developments in China-Asean Relations, by Khaw Guat Hoon, author
6. The Threat of Protectionism to Developing Countries, by Augustine H H Tan , author
7. Asean States: The Law of the Sea and Fisheries Jurisdiction, by Phiphat Tangsubkul, author
8. Population Trends In Burma, by Ismael Khin Maung, author
9. Indonesia: A year of Continuing Challenge, by Leo Suryadinata, author
10. The Indonesian Economy: Looking Towards Repelita III, by Anne Booth, author
11. Social Issues in Recent Indonesian Literature, by Boen S Oemarjati, author
12. Indonesian Education In The Seventies: Problems of Rapid Growth, by Ward Heneveld, author
13. The Kampuchean-Vietnamese Conflict, by Stephen P Heder, author
14. Malaysia Year of Election, by Y Mansoor Marican, author
15. Aspects of Regional Economic Problems And Policy In Malaysia, by Lim Kok Cheong, author
16. Malay Political Parties: An Interpretative Essay, by Kamarudin Jaffar, author
17. The Philippines: From Martial Law To "Crisis Government", by Benjamin N Muego , author
18. Elites Of Wealth And Elites Of Power, The Changing Dynamic: A Philippine Case Study, by David Wurfel, author
19. Church And Martial Law In The Philippines: The Continuing Debate, by Dennis Shoesmith, author
20. Singapore: New Development Strategy for Further Growth, by Saw Swee-Hock, author
21. Recent Changes In The Singapore Manufacturing Sector, by Lee Soo Ann, author
22. Singapore's Language Policies: Strategies for a Plural Society, by S Gopinathan, author
23. Thailand: An Overview of Politics and Foreign Relations, by Khien Theeravit, author
24. The Kriangsak Government And The Thai Economy, by Vichitvong na Pombhejara, author
25. The Tribal Minorities of Northern Thailand: Problems and Prospects, by Robert Cooper, author
26. Vietnam: Neither Peace nor War, by Huynh Kim Khanh, author
27. Vietnam: Institutional Development in a Time of Crisis, by David W P Elliott, author