Energy, the Environment and the Oil Market: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

Shankar Sharma (A), editor
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
The contributors to this book review the environmental problems created by rising energy demand, and examine their impact on the oil industry especially in the Asia-Pacific region where future demand for oil is projected to increase the most. Policy options to minimize energy-related environmental problems are discussed.The contributors also address these questions: What are the economic implications of emission control to developing countries, and the process, mechanism and constraints for multilateral agreement on the reduction of pollutants, particularly greenhouse gases Within the broader context of oil price volatility, why has environmental concern created a need for dialogue between oil producers and consumers?
Energy, the Environment and the Oil Market: An Asia-Pacific Perspective
[Whole Publication] -
Preliminary pages
1. Introduction: Energy, the Environment & the Oil Market, by Shankar Sharma (A), author
2. Greenhouse Gases & Energy Policies in the Asia-Pacific, by Shankar Sharma (A), author
3. Energy Technologies & Policies for Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Asia, by Urooj Malik, author
4. Global Climate Change Policy: Some Economic Considerations, by Arnold B Baker, author
5. Adjusting to Volatile Oil Prices: An Agenda for the Producer-Consumer Dialogue, by Philip K Verleger, Jr., author
6. Growth of Oil Demand in the Asia-Pacific: Perception of the International Energy Agency, by John P Ferriter, author
7. The Asia-Pacific Oil Market: Trends & Outlook, by Hugh E Norton, author