Fiscal System and Practices in ASEAN: Trends, Impact and Evaluation
Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
While extensive literature is available on various aspects of economic development in the ASEAN countries, there has been no book-length treatment of the fiscal systems and practices in these countries. This study fills the gap in the existing literature. In addition to the five country papers, an introductory chapter provides a comparative overview of ASEAN fiscal systems and practices, as well as compares the levels and structure of taxation in the ASEAN countries with those in the East Asian and industrialized countries. The contributors are public finance specialists from the various ASEAN countries.
Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Fiscal System and Practices in ASEAN: Trends, Impact and Evaluation
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814377102] -
Preliminary pages
1. A Comparative Overview of ASEAN Fiscal Systems & Practices, by Mukul G. Asher, author
2. Fiscal System & Practices in Indonesia, by Anwar Nasution, author
3. Fiscal System & Practices in Malaysia, by Mukul G. Asher, author
4. Fiscal System & Practices in the Philippines, by Mukul G. Asher, Agustin Kintanar, Jr. , authors
5. Fiscal Systems & Practices in Singapore, by Mukul G. Asher, author
6. Fiscal Systems & Practices in Thailand, by Piboon Limprapat, Pongpanu Svetarundra, authors
The Editor