The Welfare State, Public Investment, and Growth

The Welfare State, Public Investment, and Growth
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / SVerlagTok
Number of pages:  348
Code:  BM195

About the publication

The current state of research in the international public finance field is elucidated in the fifteeen papers collected in this volume, selected from among the more than 200 that were presented at the 53rd Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance held in Kyoto, Japan, in August 1997. The collection assembled here is not intended to comprise a proceedings of the Congress but, rather, presents the ideas of eminent scholars in areas of current research in the international public finance field: The Welfare State, Public Investment and Economic Growth, Inter-Governmental Relations, Tax Competition and Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Investment in the Transitional Economies of Russia and China, and Equalization Transfer Systems in Japan and Australia. The highlight of the Congress was the brilliant debate between two of the greatest authorities in the area of public finance, James M. Buchanan and Richard A. Musgrave, whose papers form the opening section of the volume.

Co-publication: ISEAS / SVerlagTok

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / Springer Verlag, Tokyo

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