Country: Singapore

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Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew's Mission India

Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew's Mission India
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  ISEAS / Penguin India
Number of pages:  384
Code:  BM386
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814279048
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Different Voices: The Singaporean/Malaysian Novel

Different Voices: The Singaporean/Malaysian Novel
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  318
Code:  BM366

State, Society and Religious Engineering: Towards a Reformist Buddhism in Singapore (Second Edition)

State, Society and Religious Engineering: Towards a Reformist Buddhism in Singapore (Second Edition)
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  337
Code:  BM355

Muslim-Non-Muslim Marriage: Political and Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia

Muslim-Non-Muslim Marriage: Political and Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  322
Code:  BM356

Southeast Asian Affairs 2009

Southeast Asian Affairs 2009
Daljit Singh, editor
Date of publication:  2009
Number of pages:  417
Code:  SEAA9

Competition among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific: Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges

Competition among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific: Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  ISEAS / KOPEC / PECC
Number of pages:  399
Code:  PIC189

Strategic Currents: Emerging Trends in Southeast Asia

Strategic Currents: Emerging Trends in Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  ISEAS / RSIS
Number of pages:  184
Code:  BM359

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2009-2010

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2009-2010
Date of publication:  2009
Number of pages:  155
Code:  RO9

Singapore and International Law: The Early Years, Essays in Memory of S Tiwari

Singapore and International Law: The Early Years, Essays in Memory of S Tiwari
Kevin YL. Tan, editor
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  Centre for International Law, NUS
Number of pages:  240
Code:  CIL1
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