Varieties of Religious Authority: Changes and Challenges in 20th Century Indonesian Islam

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Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812309402
About the publication
The twentieth century was a fascinating period of profound political, social and economic changes in Indonesia. These changes contributed to the diversification of the religious landscape and as a result, religious authority was redistributed over an increasing number of actors. Although many Muslims in Indonesia continued to regard the ulama, the traditional religious scholars, as the principle source of religious guidance, religious authority has become more diffused and differentiated over time. The present book consists of contributions which all deal with the multi-facetted and multidimensional topic of religious authority and aim to complement each other. Most papers deal with Indonesia, but two dealing with other countries have been included in order to add a comparative dimension. Amongst the topics dealt with are the different and changing roles of the ulama, the rise and role of Muslim organizations, developments within Islamic education, like the madrasa, and the spread of Salafi ideas in contemporary Indonesia.
Co-publication: ISEAS / IIAS
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / International Institute for Asian Studies
Varieties of Religious Authority: Changes and Challenges in 20th Century Indonesian Islam
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812309518] -
Preliminary pages with Introduction
1. The Redefinition of Religious Authority among South Asian Muslims from 1919 to 1956, by Marc Gaborieau, author
2. Understanding Al-Imam's Critique of Tariqa Sufism, by Michael Laffan, author
3. Traditional Islam and Modernity: Some Notes on the Changing Role of the Ulama in Early Twentieth Indonesia, by Jajat Burhanudin, author
4. The Role and Identity of Religious Authorities in the Nation State: Egypt, Indonesia, and South Africa Compared, by Abdulkader Tayob, author
5. Authority Contested: Mathla'ul Anwar in the Last Years of the New Order, by Didin Nurul Rosidin, author
6. Struggle for Authority: Between Formal Religious Institution and Informal-local Leaders, by Machasin, author
7. The Indonesian Madrasah: Islamic Reform and Modernization of Indonesian Islam in the Twentieth Century, by Arief Subhan, author
8. From Apolitical Quietism to Jihadist Activism: "Salafis", Political Mobilization, and Drama of Jihad in Indonesia, by Noorhaidi Hasan, author
9. From Handling Water in a Glass to Coping with an Ocean: Shifts in Religious Authority in Indonesia, by Andree Feillard, author
10. Religious Authority and the Supernatural, by Kees van Dijk, author