Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 3/2(Sept 1981)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 3/2(Sept 1981)
Date of publication:  September 1981
Number of pages:  86
Code:  CS3/2


  • Preliminary pages
  • The Role of Singapore in ASEAN, by Robert L Rau, author
  • The British Withdrawal from Singapore and Malaysia: Influence of the Labour Party on the Decision, by Toni Schonenberger, author
  • Chinese New Villages of the Malayan Emergency, A Generation Later: A Case Study, by Judith Strauch, author
  • Some Speculations on a Second Blueprint for ASEAN, by Hans H Indorf, author
  • Incorporation and "Peasantization" of Hill Peoples: The Buhid Mangyan, by Violeta B Lopez, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: President Heng Samrin Presents the Draft Constitution to the National Assembly
  • Nguyen Co Thach on Results of the Indochinese Foreign Ministers' Conference
  • BOOK REVIEW: Malaysian Politics and the 1978 Elections, by Gordon P Means, author

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