Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 1/2(Sept 1979)

Date of publication:
September 1979
Number of pages:
Preliminary pages
Non-Economic Objectives of Economic Growth Some Reflections: Some Reflections, by C V Devan Nair, author
Thailand's 1978 Constitution and Its Implications, by Kramol Tongdhamachart, author
Alternative Perspectives in Development in ASEAN Countries, by Jose V Abueva, author
Hanoi and ASEAN: Is Co-existance Possible?, by Justus Van Der Kroef, author
The Changing Roles and Status of Women in ASEAN, by Aline K Wong, author
DOCUMENTATION: Laos-Thailand Joint Communique
DOCUMENTATION: Burma-Thailand Joint Statement
BOOK REVIEW: Social Engineering in Singapore: Educational Policies and Social Change, 1819-1972 by H E Wilson, by Gwee Yee Hean , author
BOOK REVIEW: Developing Economies and the Environment: The Southeast Asian Experience edited by Colin MacAndrews and Chia Lin Sien, by Brian Wood, author