Ocean Politics in Southeast Asia

Ocean Politics in Southeast Asia
Peter Polomka, author
Date of publication:  1978
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  235
Code:  BM9

About the publication

The task of avoiding in the oceans - the 'last frontier' of our planet - the claims and rivalries that have caused endless conflict on land, has thrusted the 'ocean issues' increasingly into the forefrunt of international affairs. This book examines aspects of the interrelationship of diverse interests in the seas of Southeast Asia while suggesting scope for cooperative developments that might not only benefit the region but also have wider application in the emerging multipolar world.


  • Ocean Politics in Southeast Asia
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814414227]
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. National Claims
  • 2. External Interests
  • 3. Regional Options
  • 4. The Future
  • A. UNCLOS III: Informal Composite Negotiaiting Text
  • B. Malacca and Singapore Straits Traffic Separation Schemes
  • C. The Indonesian Archipelagic Claim

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