Houston of Asia: The Singapore Petroleum Industry

Houston of Asia: The Singapore Petroleum Industry
Tilak K Doshi, author
Date of publication:  1989
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  147
Code:  BM100

About the publication

This is a comprehensive survey of Singapore's dominating regional role as provider of petroleum refining, blending, and storage services, exporter of refined petroleum products, port of call for bunker and jet fuels, and spot market for the Asia-Pacific petroleum trade. Substantively based on industry data sources, this book is conceived of as an initial step in a continued and independent research interest on one of the Pacific Basin's most dynamic and strategic industries.


  • Houston of Asia: The Singapore Petroleum Industry
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814377966]
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Singapore: A Global City
  • 2. The Energy Economy of a City State
  • 3. The Downstream Petroleum Industry
  • 4. The Singapore Refiners
  • 5. Concluding Remarks on the Downstream Sector
  • Appendix I: Notes on Data
  • Appendix II: Singapore Domestic Product Specifications
  • Bibliography

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