Interactionism in Sociology: Theoretical Basis and Methodological Implications

Interactionism in Sociology: Theoretical Basis and Methodological Implications
Joachim Matthes, author
Date of publication:  1982
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  35
Code:  RND29

About the publication

For several decades, sociology has been dominated by the mainly Anglo-American traditions of behaviourism, functionalism, and systems theory. Since the sixties, however, there has been a revival of theoretical and methodological orientations in sociology, converging under the general designation of "interactionism". The various streams of sociological thinking are described, "interactionism" is discussed, and the interactionist paradigm is compared with some other major streams of contemporary social thinking.

Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


  • Interactionism in Sociology: Theoretical Basis and Methodological Implications
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814377577]

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