Roadmap to an ASEAN Economic Community

About the publication
At the Ninth ASEAN Summit in Bali on 7 October 2003, the leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations agreed to establish an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2020. It is envisaged that the AEC would be a single market and production base, with a free flow of goods and services, investments, capital and skilled labour.
An integrated ASEAN with a sizeable market of over 500 million people could become an alternative to China as a regional production base for MNCs.
Although there are roadmaps for the fast-track integration of eleven priority sectors, an overall longer-term roadmap needs to be formulated to realize the AEC. This book addresses the main issues.
An integrated ASEAN with a sizeable market of over 500 million people could become an alternative to China as a regional production base for MNCs.
Although there are roadmaps for the fast-track integration of eleven priority sectors, an overall longer-term roadmap needs to be formulated to realize the AEC. This book addresses the main issues.
Roadmap to an ASEAN Economic Community
Preliminary pages
1. Introduction: Roadmap to an ASEAN Economic Community, by Denis Hew Wei-Yen, author
2. ASEAN Economic Community: Concept, Costs, and Benefits, by Hadi Soesastro, author
3. Creating an ASEAN Economic Community: Lessons from the EU and Reflections on the Roadmap, by Michael G Plummer, author
4. Institutional Reforms to Achieve ASEAN Economic Integration, by Narongchai Akrasanee, Jutamas Arunanondchai, authors
5. ASEAN Economic Community: Political and Security Implications, by Mely Caballero-Anthony, author
6. ASEAN Economic Community: Perspective from ASEAN's Transitional Economies, by Vo Tri Thanh, author
7. Role of AFTA in an ASEAN Economic Community, by Jose L Tongzon, contributor
8. FDI and the Free Movement of Investments in ASEAN, by Tham Siew Yean, author
9. Services Trade Liberalization in ASEAN, by Christopher Findlay, author
10. Labour Mobility within ASEAN: Issues and Policy Implications for the ASEAN Economic Community, by Carunia Mulya Firdausy, author
11. ASEAN Economic Community: Implications for Poverty Reduction in Southeast Asia, by Abuzar Asra, Gemma Esther Estrada, Ernesto M Pernia, authors
12. Financial Integration in ASEAN and Beyond: Implications for Regional Monetary Integration, by Ramkishen S Rajan, author
Appendix: ISEAS Concept Paper on the ASEAN Economic Community, by Denis Hew Wei-Yen, Lee Poh Onn, Maghaisvarei Sellakumaran, Sakulrat Montreevat, Ngiam Kee Jin, authors