International Migration in Southeast Asia

International Migration in Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2004
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  374
Code:  PIC120
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812302793
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"The volume addresses a vitally important and topical issue in social science research on Southeast Asia and one which requires the kind of cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach which the several contributions to the book manage collectively to embrace. The editors deserve our congratulations for putting together a relatively coherent and well integrated collection" (Aseasuk News).

"This much needed book will help to expand the literature available on the very significant topic of international migration in the Southeast Asian region. The books takes a holistic view by looking at the topic from a range of perspectives -- historical, economic, social and political. It pays a great deal of attention to the issue of irregular migration that has become such an important phenomenon in the region; more specifically, whether irregular migration is an unusual and particular feature of Southeast Asia" (Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography).

About the publication

Population mobility increases with economic development and globalization. The migration of people affects countries in many ways -- socially, economically and politically.
           However, there are fundamental tensions in efforts to manage international migration in a globalizing world. On the one hand, business is transnational as it necessitates the unrestricted flow of people internationally. On the other hand, politics is still national.
           In an integrated world economy, trade, flow of capital, flow of labour, flow of raw materials and technology are inter-related. This study therefore examines international migration in the context of an integrated world economy.
           Specifically, it looks at the history of migration in modern Southeast Asia; investments, remittances and welfare; the vulnerability of workers; national migration policies; and the problem of irregular migrants.


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