The Population of Singapore

The Population of Singapore
Saw Swee-Hock, author
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  255
Code:  BM204


"Saw Swee Hock, Singapore's best-known demographer, has brought his life-time of research on Singapore's population to fruition in this book.... The book's technical analysis cannot be faulted, and it is of great value for all those interested in Singapore's population trends and policy issues to have so much data and policy information competently presented and analysed" (Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde).

About the publication

This comprehensive book deals with population trends and patterns in Singapore since its founding in 1819. Separate chapters are devoted to population growth and structure, migration, mortality, marriage, divorce, population control, fertility and the labour force. The book concludes by showing that, given the persistent below-replacement fertility rate, the population is expected to peak at about 3.34 million in 2025 and to decline continuously thereafter.

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