Subject: Politics


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Asian Security Reassessed

Asian Security Reassessed
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  381
Code:  SEC28

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Globalization in Southeast Asia over la Longue Duree

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Globalization in Southeast Asia over la Longue Duree
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  76
Code:  PIC146

Japan and ASEAN: Partnership for a Stable and Prosperous Future

Japan and ASEAN: Partnership for a Stable and Prosperous Future
Takaaki Kojima, author
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  34
Code:  PIC148

Seminar on Regional Integration in Europe and Southeast Asia

Seminar on Regional Integration in Europe and Southeast Asia
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  17
Code:  TRS5/6

ISEAS Energy Forum - Global Energy Security: Competition or Cooperation?

ISEAS Energy Forum - Global Energy Security: Competition or Cooperation?
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  13
Code:  TRS6/6

The U.S. Factor in China's ASEAN Policy

The U.S. Factor in China's ASEAN Policy
Sheng Lijun, author
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  17
Code:  TRS7/6

Opportunities and Challenges for Asian-Arabian Ties

Opportunities and Challenges for Asian-Arabian Ties
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  16
Code:  PIC150

Myanmar's Long Road to National Reconciliation

Myanmar's Long Road to National Reconciliation
Trevor Wilson, editor
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  APP
Number of pages:  320
Code:  PIC142

Singapore-Malaysia Relations Under Abdullah Badawi

Singapore-Malaysia Relations Under Abdullah Badawi
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  103
Code:  BM299

The Post Cold War Order in Asia and the Challenge to ASEAN

The Post Cold War Order in Asia and the Challenge to ASEAN
Michael Yahuda, author
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  42
Code:  PIC139
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