Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/4(Mar 1984)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/4(Mar 1984)
Date of publication:  March 1984
Number of pages:  114
Code:  CS5/4


  • Preliminary pages
  • Aspects of Land Development in Vietnam, by R D Hill, author
  • The Shans and the Shan State of Burma, by Bertil Lintner, author
  • Implementing Public Health Policies in Rural Thailand, by Bidhya Bowornwathana, author
  • Images and the World-view: American Image of Southeast Asia, by Thomas O Schlesinger, author
  • The Kampuchea Situation: An Interview with Prince Norodom Sihanouk, by Peter Schier, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: Speech by HRH Prince Mohamed Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam at the Opening of the Sixteenth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, on 24 June 1983
  • BOOK REVIEW: Population Movement in Wet Rice Commodities The Economic of Malaysian Paddy Production and Irrigation, by Francesca Bray, author

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