Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/3(Dec 1983)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/3(Dec 1983)
Date of publication:  December 1983
Number of pages:  125
Code:  CS5/3


  • Preliminary pages
  • The Kampuchean Problem: Diplomatic Deadlock and Initiative, by Justus Van Der Kroef, author
  • The State, the Market for Educated Labour, and Salary Determination in Peninsular Malaysia, by Tan Loong Hoe, author
  • Energy Resource Development and Management in Malaysia, by Gordon P Means, author
  • Public Housing in Thailand: A Study of Policy Change, 1940-78, by Helen L Chiu , author
  • Asia: Towards the Year 2000, by The Asia Society, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: An Appeal for Kampuchean Independence
  • DOCUMENTATION: Speech by the Vietnamese Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Reception for the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia in Hanoi, 29 June 1983
  • DOCUMENTATION: Mr Hayden's Speech in Reply
  • BOOK REVIEW: Vietnamese Communism in Comparative Perspective. Edited by William S Turley, by Huynh Kim Khanh, author

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