Southeast Asian Affairs 1984

Southeast Asian Affairs 1984
Date of publication:  1984
Number of pages:  368
Code:  SEAA84


  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Southeast Asia in 1983: Approaching a Turning Point?, by Arnfinn Jorgensen-Dahl, author
  • 2. Economic Developments in Southeast Asia in 1983: An Overview, by A Kintanar Jr, author
  • 3. Soviet Strategic Interests in Southeast Asia, by F A Mediansky, author
  • 4. Japan's Defence Policy and Its Implications for the ASEAN Countries, by Frances Lai Fung-wai, author
  • 5. Illuminating The Path to Independence: Political Themes in Pelita Brunei in 1983, by Roger Kershaw, author
  • 6. Burma In 1983: From Recovery to Growth?, by Tin Maung Maung Than, author
  • 7. Indonesia In 1983: Searching for Efficiency, by Ahmad D Habir, author
  • 8. Socio-Economic Progress in Indonesia under the New Order, by Iyanatul Islam, author
  • 9. Kampuchea: A Stalemate?, by Lao Mong Hay, author
  • 10. Humanitarian Situation in Kampuchea, by Carmel Goldwater, author
  • LAOS
  • 11. Laos in 1983: A Time of Consolidation, by Martin Stuart-Fox, author
  • 12. Malaysia in 1983: On the Road to Greater Malaysia, by Michael Ong, author
  • 13. Japanese Perspectives on Malaysia's "Look East" Policy, by Lim Hua Sing, author
  • 14. The Philippines in 1983: Economic Crisis in Perspective, by Gerardo P Sicat, author
  • 15. Political Violence In The Philippines: Aftermath of the Aquino Assassination, by Belinda A Aquino, author
  • 16. Singapore's Continuous Search for Quality, by Lee Lai To, author
  • 17. Issues in Banking and Finance in Singapore, by Lee Sheng-Yi, author
  • 18. Thailand in 1983: The Parliamentary System Survives, by Chulacheeb Chinwanno, author
  • 19. The Growth of Thailand in a Changing World Economy: Past Performance and Current Outlook, by Paitoon Wiboonchutikula, author
  • 20. Vietnam in 1983: Keeping a Delicate Balance, by Ng Shui Meng , author

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