Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/1(June 1983)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 5/1(June 1983)
Date of publication:  June 1983
Number of pages:  152
Code:  CS5/1


  • Preliminary pages
  • Burma's Third Four-Year Plan: Half-way to Socialism and Industrialization, by David I Steinberg, author
  • The Pacific Community Idea: An Australian Perspective, by Peter Polomka, author
  • Problems of Rural Development in Central Java: An Ethnomethodological Perspective, by Mubyarto, Loekman Soetrisno, Michael Dove, authors
  • Management of International Dependence: The Case of ASEAN, by Donald K Crone , author
  • Regional Approaches to Meeting National Marine Interests, by George Kent, author
  • The Indochina Conflict and the Positions of the Countries Involved, by Werner Draguhn, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: Statement by Heads of Delegations from Southeast Asian Countries at the Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries in New Delhi, India, on 7-11 March 1983
  • BOOK REVIEW: Sociology of South-East Asia: Readings on Social Change and Development edited by Hans Dieter Evers., by Chong Li Choy, author

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