Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 2/4 (Mar 1981)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 2/4 (Mar 1981)
Date of publication:  March 1981
Number of pages:  71
Code:  CS2/4


  • Preliminary pages
  • Afghanistan and the Middle East: New Dimensions of ASEAN Security, by Justus Van Der Kroef, author
  • Asia, ASEAN, and America in the Eighties: The Agonies of Maturing Relationships, by Robert O Tilman, author
  • Europe and Southeast Asia, by Chiang Hai Ding, author
  • The Pacific Basin and ASEAN: Problems and Prospects, by Zakaria Haji Ahmad , author
  • The Energy Crisis and ASEAN, by Paul Chan, R J G Wells, authors
  • DOCUMENTATION: Text of Phan Hien's Speech at the Thirty-fourth U N General Assembly, October 1979
  • BOOK REVIEW: Road to Exile: the Indonesian Nationalist Movement, 1927-1934. By John Ingleson., by Yong Mun Cheong , author

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