Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 8/4 (Mar 1987)

Date of publication:
March 1987
Number of pages:
Preliminary pages
Vietnam: Northernizing the South or Southernizing the North?, by Melanie Beresford, author
The Soviet Union in Southeast Asia: National Perspectives from the Region, by Bilveer Singh, author
China and the Pacific Basin: Questions and Apprehensions, by Stephen Uhalley JR, author
The U.S. Military Facilities in the Philippines, by F A Mediansky, author
Prospects for South Asian Regional Co-operation: Lessons from ASEAN, by Pushpa Thambipillai, author
BOOK REVIEW: Tengku Abdul Rahman and Malaysia's Foreign Policy, 1963-1970 by Dato Abdullah Ahmad, by Michael Leifer , author
BOOK REVIEW: Rural Development in Asia: Case Studies on Programme Implementation edited by G Shabbir Cheema, by Shashi Pandey, author
DOCUMENTATION: Address by J Stapleton Roy, U S Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, to the Asia Society, Washington D C 12 October 1986
DOCUMENTATION: Excerpts from U S Secretary of Defense Weinberger's Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1988, 14 January 1987