The Closing of the Frontier: A History of the Marine Fisheries of Southeast Asia, c.1850-2000

"Readers can learn how the rich Southeast Asian fisheries region of the mid-1800s came to be over-exploited by the end of the 1900s, so that the fishing grounds in most parts of the region had to be closed by the beginning of the 21st century. For Indonesians, the book partly remedies a long-term lack of good literature on the development of their country's fishing industry. It covers, in general terms, the dynamic interactions between foreign capital, local business players and government regulators that characterised large-scale fisheries in Indonesia from 1967 to 2000" (Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies).
"The detailed account of more than 150 years of transformation in the marine fisheries sector makes it utterly clear that these times of expansion are over. There are no new fishing grounds to be 'discovered'; no commercial valuable marine organism remains untouched. The most important lesson the story Butcher has to offer -- is the need for a fundamental shift in the perception of marine capture fisheries and their future: after more than 150 years of growth, development and intensification, of continuously pushing the frontier further, the new focus and frontier lies in 'finding a way to exploit the seas in a manner that preserves habitats and species while providing the people of the region with an essential source of protein decade after decade'. A careful reading can provide the interested reader with some valuable insights into the complex workings of marine capture fisheries, which may help in designing new approaches to which government policies, technological advances and even private investment strategies may be tuned, in such a way that they will be able to conquer this last remaining frontier: sustainable fishing" (Fish for the People).
About the publication
Co-publication: ISEAS / KITLV
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / KITLV Press
The Closing of the Frontier: A History of the Marine Fisheries of Southeast Asia: c.1850-2000
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812305404] -
Preliminary pages
1. Introduction
2. The Fisheries of Southeast Asia in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
3. State, Economy, and Fisheries to the 1930s
4. Catching More with the Same Technology, 1870s to 1930s
5. Technological Change and the Extension of the Frontier of Fisheries, 1890s to 1930s
6. The Great Fish Race
7. The Closing of the Frontier
Notes to all the chapters
Notes and Sources for Maps and Figures
The Author