Philippine Labour Migration: Critical Dimensions of Public Policy

Philippine Labour Migration: Critical Dimensions of Public Policy
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / De La Salle University Press
Number of pages:  212
Code:  BM183


"... [this book] is probably among the most comprehensive books on this subject yet, and Gonzelez presents a convincing treatise on the importance of keeping an eye on government policy on labour export" (i The Investigative Reporting Magazine).

About the publication

There are currently more than six million Filipino workers in over 120 countries in jobs ranging from maids to managers. The Philippine Government has encouraged the manpower exodus to absorb the country's surplus labour and to bring foreign exchange earnings into the Philippine economy. However, non-governmental organizations have argued that social dysfunctions associated with working abroad have not been adequately addressed.
          Using an analytical framework that blends multiple stakeholders' perspectives, the author assesses the historical, demographic, economic, social, and political dimensions of Philippine labour migration policy from the early 1900s to the late 1990s.
          Focusing on recent issues, he provides an integrated evaluation from a public policy perspective, balancing both state and societal viewpoints.
          [A separate soft cover edition is available from De La Salle University Press for customers in the Philippines only.]

Co-publication: ISEAS / De La Salle University Press

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / De La Salle University Press

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