International Trade in Services in Selected ASEAN Countries: Telecommunications and Finance

Date of publication:
August 2002
Number of pages:
About the publication
This paper outlines the analytical rationale in favour of liberalization of trade in services with particular reference to the key infrastructural sub-sectors of telecommunications and finance and discusses the empirical evidence thereof. The paper goes on to offer an overview of the state of deregulation and the schedule of liberalization of the two service sub-sectors in three middle-income ASEAN countries, viz. Indonesia,
Malaysia and Thailand. It compares their GATS commitments in these sectors with those made under a regional agreement (ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services or AFAS). An attempt is also made to synthesize the individual country experiences and extract common themes.
Malaysia and Thailand. It compares their GATS commitments in these sectors with those made under a regional agreement (ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services or AFAS). An attempt is also made to synthesize the individual country experiences and extract common themes.
International Trade in Services in Selected ASEAN Countries: Telecommunications and Finance
[Whole Publication]