ASEAN-China Economic Relations

"The volume's content reflects the expertise of its authors whose backgrounds are mostly, economics, economic history, international political economy and/or business. Readers will find a useful overview of current economic relations and areas to consider for future attention. Some common themes emerge from these chapters. First, there is an agreement that ASEAN-China economic relations are relatively good and represent an area of dynamism and growth. Second, the authors see uneven development, both across sectors and across Southeast Asia. A third, notable theme is a particular strength of this volume: the interconnectedness of ASEAN-China economic relations with the global economy. Finally, there appears to be notable agreement that ASEAN-China economic relations will likely remain uneven, unequal, and even stunted if ASEAN states do not act with greater unity. The volume is a good overview of an economic relationship that is today more complex, interdependent and nuanced. Indeed, as a joint effort between ASEAN's and China's epistemic communities, the volume is itself a product and expression of the growing linkages, synergies and collaborations between China and ASEAN" (Pacific Affairs).
"This book analyses the economic relations between China and ASEAN -- especially after the East Asian financial crisis -- from the viewpoint of business networks, trade relations, services, finance, investment, energy, and economic aid; but the core topic of this book is the China-ASEAN FTA, which is discussed in depth in Chapters 6 and 7, written by Lu and Wang, respectively. The discussion of the diverse matters concerning economic cooperation between China and ASEAN will be most helpful for readers interested in the foreign economic policies of China or ASEAN" (Asian-Pacific Economic Literature).
About the publication
ASEAN-China Economic Relations
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812306562] -
Preliminary pages
1. ASEAN-China Economic Relations: A Review, by Saw Swee-Hock, author
2. China's Economy in Search of New Development Strategies, by John Wong, author
3. ASEAN in Introspect and Retrospect, by Linda Low, author
4. Developing Stronger Business Networks between ASEAN and China, by Sarasin Viraphol, author
5. ASEAN-China Trade Relations: Origins, Progress and Prospect, by Chen Wen , author
6. ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Negotiation, Implementation and Prospect, by Lu Bo, author
7. ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Legal and Institutional Aspects, by Wang Jiangyu, author
8. ASEAN-China Economic Relations: Moving Towards Services, by Chang Chiou Yi, author
9. ASEAN-China Financial Cooperation in the Asian Bond Market, by Sun Jie, author
10. ASEAN-China Investment Cooperation: Status and Prospects, by Jose L Tongzon, author
11. ASEAN-China Energy Cooperation, by Elspeth Thomson, author
12. China's Aid to Southeast Asia, by Zhang Haibing, author
13. China and the CLMV Countries: Relations in the Context of the Mekong Sub-region, by Mya Than, author
14. China's Economic Relations with ASEAN: Developments and Strategic Implications, by Sheng Lijun, author
15. Strategic Dimension of ASEAN-China Economic Relations, by Eric Teo Chu Cheow, author