The Political Economy of a Trade-First Approach to Regionalism

The Political Economy of a Trade-First Approach to Regionalism
Date of publication:  2002
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  26
Code:  VRS5/2

About the publication

Regional integration has become commonplace in the world economy. Moreover, there is clear evidence of a "trade first" approach to regionalism. What is the logic behind this approach? Does trade integration prepare the ground for monetary integration by helping to fulfil optimum currency area criteria? Having analysed the economic inter-relationship between regional trade integration and monetary union, this paper contends that the "trade first" strategy can instead be explained in political economy terms; there is a higher political return to trade integration. This paper concludes by examining the implications for the future of both regionalism and multilateralism.


  • The Political Economy of a Trade-First Approach to Regionalism
    [Whole Publication]

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