Symposium on Trade Issues in Southeast Asia and East Asia

Symposium on Trade Issues in Southeast Asia and East Asia
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  42
Code:  TRS1/6

About the publication

A symposium on trade issues in Southeast and East Asia was held at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies on 6 December 2005. The session aimed to discuss the implications of trade data issues in Southeast and East Asia for empirical and policy analysis, with a focus on understanding the reasons behind possible discrepancies in international comparisons. The symposium also discussed the role of a trading hub and the importance of its entrepot role, with a focus on the major trading hubs in the region. Three papers were presented at this half-day symposium.


  • Symposium on Trade Issues in Southeast Asia and East Asia
    [Whole Publication]

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