Southeast Asian Affairs 1976

Southeast Asian Affairs 1976
Date of publication:  1976
Number of pages:  486
Code:  SEAA76


  • Preliminary pages
  • Southeast Asia: Political Crosscurrents at the Juncture of Two Eras, by Lim Joo-Jock, author
  • A Commentary on the Southeast Asian Economic Scene: The Cases of Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia, by S B D de Slva, author
  • Southeast Asia: The Challenges of Economic Independence, by Lim Chong Yah, author
  • Achievements of and Prospects for ASEAN: Some Preliminary Views, by V Kanapathy, author
  • ASEAN, North Vietnam and the Communist Challenge, by Lau Teik Soon, author
  • The New Indochina and its Implications for the Region, by Philippe De Villers, author
  • Southeast Asian Strategic Environment: An Indian View, by K Subrahmanyam, author
  • The Question of the "Overseas Chinese", by Wang Gungwu, author
  • Law of the Sea and Southeast Asian Problems, by Harbajan Singh, author
  • Australia's Relations with Southeast Asia Since 1972, by Peter C Wicks, author
  • Some Thoughts on the Status of Women in Southeast Asia: 1975, the International Women's Year, by Betty Jamie Chung, author
  • Brunei: Prospects for a "Protectorate", by Lim Joo-Jock, author
  • Burma: Political Unrest and Economic Stagnation, by Raja Segaran Arumugam, author
  • Indonesia: Internal Developments and External Outlook, by Raja Segaran Arumugam, author
  • Problems and Reforms in Indonesian Development Administration, by Stephen Hoadley, author
  • State Enterprises in Indonesia: Present Issues and Future Prospects, by Hassan Kartadjoemena, author
  • Malaysia: The New Mood, by Lim Yoon Lin, author
  • The Security "Gap" in Peninsular Malaysia, by Chandran Jeshurun, author
  • Bahasa Malaysia: Its Modernization and its Relation to the Politics of National Unity in Peninsular Malaysia, by John Clammer, author
  • The Philippines: A Question of Earnest Intentions, by M Rajaretnam, author
  • The Philippines and the United States Today, by Alejandro M Fernandez, author
  • The National Language Situation in the Philippines Today in the Context of Southeast Asia, by Teodoro Llamzon, author
  • Singapore: Surmounting Assessables, Encountering Intangibles, by Lim Joo-Jock, author
  • The Singapore Economy in 1975: Stagnation and Recovery, by Pang Eng Fong, Linda Seah, authors
  • A Review of British Defence and Foreign Policies and their Effects on Singapore and the Rest of the Region, by Leonard Rayner, author
  • Thailand: The Rising of the Rightist Phoenix, by Somporn Sangchai, author
  • American Military Withdrawal from Thailand, by Thanat Khoman, author
  • Foreign Trade and the Balance of Payments: Performance and Prospects, by Hazel Richter, author
  • East Timor: Civil War - Causes and Consequences, by Stephen Hoadley, author
  • VIETNAM: A Year of Peace (With an Appendix on 'The Chronology of the Thirty-Year War'), by Ng Shui Meng , Huynh Kim Kanh, authors
  • The Vietnamese Communist Movement Revisited, by Huynh Kim Khanh, author
  • Restructuring the Economy of South Vietnam, by Huynh Kim Khanh, author
  • Notes on Contributors

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