Theory and Practice of Islamic Finance

Theory and Practice of Islamic Finance
Date of publication:  2008
Number of pages:  152
Code:  SCIF1

About the publication

Among the varied activities organised by the Saw Centre for Financial Studies since its establishment in December 2003, are those devoted to Islamic Finance which Singapore has identified as one of the promising sector to develop as part of the overall strategy to position the city-state as a vibrant international financial center. On 23 March 2006, the Saw Centre and the Islamic Financial Integrated Solutions jointly organised a Conference on Islamic Capital Market: The Way Forward. This was followed by a series of three public lectures in March 2008 on certain aspects of Islamic Finance delivered by staff of the newly-incorporated Islamic Bank of Asia Singapore.
          A more important event was the Saw Centre mounting a full-day Singapore Conference on Islamic Finance with eight papers presented by specialists from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. This Conference was designed to evaluate the present status, challenges and prospects with regard to the development of Islamic Finance. This book on Theory and Practice of Islamic Finance incoporates the revised version of the papers presented in the Conference. It complements the earlier book on Introduction to Islamic Finance which contains the results of a research project understatken by the Saw Centre. The two books will be useful to professionals in the finance industry, students in tertiary institutions, and the general public interested to learn more about Islamic Finance.
          Published by Saw Centre for Financial Studies. Available exclusively from ISEAS for worldwide distribution.

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