Restructuring of Soviet Far Eastern Air Power

Restructuring of Soviet Far Eastern Air Power
Derek da Cunha, author
Date of publication:  1991
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  80
Code:  PSP2

About the publication

This paper examines the restructuring (perestroika) of the various Soviet Far Eastern air service components over the last decade and particularly within the context of the new era of superpower detente. Thematically, it focuses on four specific Soviet air operational areas continental, maritime, ground attack, and air defense and attempts to ascertain whether Soviet war-fighting capabilities in each of them is credible. It also assesses the extent to which Soviet air power doctrine has changed over the last ten years largely in response to the introduction of new technology aircraft, the development of Japanese air and U.S. fleet air capabilities, and more generally within the context of the Soviet perception of reduced international tensions.

Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


  • Restructuring of Soviet Far Eastern Air Power
    [Whole Publication]

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