Security Challenges for Southeast Asia After the Cold War

Security Challenges for Southeast Asia After the Cold War
Date of publication:  1992
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  25
Code:  PIC65

About the publication

Excerpt: "We at the end of the Cold war can also draw some lessons from that experience. We can take encouragement from the UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali's blueprint to make the UN a more effective global security instrument. But the UN cannot do it all. There are vital supporting roles to be played by regional and sub-regional organizations in building a viable world order within the current UN framework. I must emphasize the contribution which these organizations can make to security not only in their own neighbourhoods but also globally though putting forward their own ideas on this subject in the international debate. ASEAN should do this with confidence, bearing in mind its successful record of solving the non-Cold War problems of state development of the post-1945 period.

Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


  • Security Challenges for Southeast Asia After the Cold War
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814376976]

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