ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations: Private Enterprise as a Means for Economic Development and Co-operation

ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations: Private Enterprise as a Means for Economic Development and Co-operation
Date of publication:  1990
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  200
Code:  PIC58

About the publication

The experience of the past decade both in ASEAN and the United States has shown the power and vigour of private enterprise and market forces to spearhead economic development and to spread economic efficiency and welfare world-wide. Indeed, private enterprise can and has contributed to harnessing entrepreneurship and to creating efficient industrialization by mobilizing private capital, stimulating productivity and competition, as well as by broadening consumer choice in ASEAN and the United States. This volume addresses the role of private enterprise as a means for economic development and co-operation in the context of ASEAN-U.S. economic relations. Contributors to this volume are academics from ASEAN and the United States.

Co-publication: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


  • ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations: Private Enterprise as a Means for Economic Development and Co-operation
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814376945]
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1. Introduction to the Role of the Private Sector in ASEAN-US Economic Relations: An ASEAN Perspective, by Tan Loong Hoe, author
  • 2. Private Enterprise in Development, by Gerald M. Meier, author
  • 3. New Needs and Policy Framework for Private Investment in ASEAN (and the United States), by Florian A Alburo , author
  • 4. Privitizing Public Utilities, by Lim Chin, Linda Low, authors
  • 5. Experiences in Privitization, by Paul Chan, Toh Kin Woon , authors
  • 6. Promotion of Private Investment: Technical Assistance, by Stephen Guisinger, author
  • 7. Promotion of Private Investment: Institutional & Legal Infrastructures, by Djisman S. Simandjuntak, author
  • 8. Venture Capital & Investment Promotion in ASEAN, by M. Louise Curley, author
  • 9. Franchising in the ASEAN Nations, by Robert T. Justis, Ben Kedia, authors

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