Regional Outlook Forum 2007: Summary Report

About the publication
This Summary Report of the Tenth Regional Outlook Forum, organized by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies on 4 January 2007, is the inaugural summary of proceedings of an ROF. It records the most significant points raised by the speakers at the Tenth ROF. Hopefully it will serve as a guide for action for the reader for the rest of 2007 and beyond.
Regional Outlook Forum 2007: Summary Report
Preliminary pages
1. Opening Remarks, by K Kesavapany, author
2. Keynote Speech: Religious Extremism in Southeast Asia, by Chandra Muzaffar, author
3. Strategic Trends in East Asia, by Robert G Sutter, Robyn Lim, Jusuf Wanandi , authors
4. Dynamics of Regional Economics, by Manu Bhaskaran, Hendrawan Supratikno, Mohamed Ariff, Peter Wallace, Low Sin Leng, Peter John Brimble, Song Seng Wun, authors
5. Luncheon Speech: Hong Kongs Hinterland Pearl River Delta and Beyond, by Victor Fung, author
6. The Haze: Economic and Social Ramifications, by Emil Salim, Gurmit Singh K S, Simon Tay, authors
7. Political Trends in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Myanmar, by Chris Baker, Maznah Mohamad, Michael Vatikiotis, Zarni, authors
8. Terrorism, by Rohan Gunaratna, Greg Fealy, authors
9. Concluding Remarks, by Chin Kin Wah, author
Forum Programme
Speakers and Panellists
Rapporteurs of the Regional Outlook Forum 2007: Summary Report