
Southeast Asian Affairs 2000

Southeast Asian Affairs 2000
Daljit Singh, editor
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  326
Code:  SEAA0

Cambodia and the International Community: The Quest for Peace, Development, and Democracy

Cambodia and the International Community: The Quest for Peace, Development, and Democracy
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / Asia Society
Number of pages:  207
Code:  BM191

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 1999-2000

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 1999-2000
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  89
Code:  BM200

Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?

Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy?
Sorpong Peou, author
Date of publication:  2000
Publisher:  ISEAS / Trasvin / SMP
Number of pages:  597
Code:  IU8

UNTAC in Cambodia: The Impact on Human Rights

UNTAC in Cambodia: The Impact on Human Rights
Caroline Hughes, author
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  90
Code:  OP92

Southeast Asian Affairs 1997

Southeast Asian Affairs 1997
Daljit Singh, editor
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  386
Code:  SEAA97

Southeast Asian Affairs 1999

Southeast Asian Affairs 1999
Date of publication:  2000
Number of pages:  386
Code:  SEAA99

Southeast Asian Affairs 1998

Southeast Asian Affairs 1998
Date of publication:  1998
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  351
Code:  SEAA98