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Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia

Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:  212
Code:  PIC162
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304681
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Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812303288
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The Islamist Threat in Southeast Asia: A Reassessment

The Islamist Threat in Southeast Asia: A Reassessment
John Sidel, author
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  East-West Center
Number of pages:  74
Code:  PS37
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812304896
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Indonesia: Democracy and the Promise of Good Governance

Indonesia: Democracy and the Promise of Good Governance
Date of publication:  2007
Number of pages:  208
Code:  BM325

Southeast Asian Affairs 2007

Southeast Asian Affairs 2007
Date of publication:  2007
Number of pages:  412
Code:  SEAA7

Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia: History, Causes and Remedies

Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia: History, Causes and Remedies
Adam J Young, author
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  IIAS
Number of pages:  160
Code:  IIAS-P3
Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789812304070
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Initiating a Peace Process in Papua: Actors, Issues, Process and the Role of the International Community

Initiating a Peace Process in Papua: Actors, Issues, Process and the Role of the International Community
Timo Kivimaki, author
Date of publication:  2007
Publisher:  East-West Center
Number of pages:  83
Code:  PS25

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2007-2008

Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2007-2008
Date of publication:  2007
Number of pages:  147
Code:  RO7

The Politics of Military Reform in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Elite Conflict, Nationalism, and Institutional Resistance

The Politics of Military Reform in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Elite Conflict, Nationalism, and Institutional Resistance
Marcus Mietzner, author
Date of publication:  2006
Publisher:  East-West Center
Number of pages:  86
Code:  PS23

Southeast Asian Affairs 2006

Southeast Asian Affairs 2006
Date of publication:  2006
Number of pages:  365
Code:  SEAA6
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