The Road to Nusantara: Process, Challenges and Opportunities

Date of publication:
ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute / National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Number of pages:
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789815104226
Professor Abidin Kusno, South East Asia Research , Mar 2024
"Essays in this book offer important information, critiques and suggestions, some of which are sustained by theoretically informed knowledge. In Indonesia, there are many reports and commentaries from various positions about Nusantara; this book manages to gather a collection that will serve as the first reference for both supporters and sceptics to understand as well as engage with this megaproject."
About the publication
The collective research effort of senior and junior scholars from Indonesia and beyond, The Road to Nusantara: Process, Challenges and Opportunities examines the political, economic, socio-cultural, security and environmental implications of President Joko Widodo’s historic plan to move Indonesia’s national capital from Jakarta to Nusantara, East Kalimantan. This volume will be of interest to policymakers, Indonesia’s neighbours near and far, prospective investors, and students of Indonesia who wish to understand the complex challenges underlying this megaproject.
"The chapters in this book are important contributions to the study of Indonesia today …. Ground-breaking and meticulously documented using post-independence archival material and contemporary essays on new capitals …. Essential reading for a better understanding of the impetus behind Nusantara, made even more critical as the future of Nusantara hangs in the balance.”
Edward Lee Kwong Foo, Chairman of Indofood Agri Resources Ltd and
former Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia, 1994–2006
former Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia, 1994–2006
Co-publication: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute / National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Co-published with BRIN for worldwide distribution
The Road to Nusantara: Process, Challenges and Opportunities
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789815104233], by Julia M Lau, Athiqah Nur Alami, Siwage Dharma Negara, Yanuar Nugroho, editors -
Preliminary pages with Introduction, by Athiqah Nur Alami, Siwage Dharma Negara, Yanuar Nugroho, Julia M Lau, authors
1. Nusantara: A Historical Perspective, by Yanuar Nugroho, Wasisto Raharjo Jati, Pradita Devis Dukarno, Iryan Ali Herdiansyah, authors
2. The New State Capital Regulations: Contending for Autonomy, Democracy and Legitimacy?, by Mardyanto Wahyu Tryatmoko, Koichi Kawamura, authors
3. Nusantara and the Spatial Implications for the Practice of Indonesian Democracy, by Ian Douglas Wilson, author
4. Crowdfunding for IKN: Potential, Risk and People’s Perception, by Riri Kusumarani, Anne Parlina, authors
5. Addressing the Challenges in Developing Nusantara: The Roles of Spatial Planning, by Dimas Wisnu Adrianto, Kathleen Meira Berta, authors
6. The Transfer of the National Capital (IKN): The Domination of the Capitalist Political Economy and the Dynamics of Local Representation, by Septi Satriani, Pandu Yuhsina Adaba, Imam Syafi'i, authors
7. Identifying Potential Social Challenges in IKN: Perspectives of Civil Society and Villagers in East Kalimantan, by Deasy Simandjuntak, David Meschede, Michaela Haug, authors
8. Population and Human Capital Redistribution: Understanding Opportunities and Challenges in Mass Migration to Nusantara, by Meirina Ayumi Malamassam, author
9. Nusantara the Green Capital: Leveraging Moment for Improved Forest Governance, by Dini Suryani, Dian Aulia, Marcellinus Mandira Budi Utomo, authors
10. Sustainability of the Local Community’s Livelihoods and the Idea of the Modern City of Nusantara, by Rusli Cahyadi, Deny Hidayati, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, Temi Indriati Miranda, Ardanareswari Ayu Pitaloka, authors
11. Projecting A Global Identity as a Maritime Nation in the New Capital City, by Lidya Christin Sinaga, Khanisa, authors
Conclusion: Shaping Nusantara, by Yanuar Nugroho, Julia M Lau, authors