Port Security and Preman Organizations in Indonesia

Port Security and Preman Organizations in Indonesia
Senia Febrica, author
Date of publication:  2023
Publisher:  ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Number of pages:  177
Code:  BM621
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789815011883
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About the publication

The global war on terrorism created pressure for Indonesia to improve its security measures for dealing with maritime terrorism. Following the 9/11 attacks and the 2002 Bali bombings, Indonesia has improved the security of its major ports and entered various international agreements to ensure its trading activities are not impeded. At the same time, in a bid to secure small ports and coastal areas in various parts of the country, preman—self-supporting, autonomous paramilitary—organizations began to play a greater role. This book explores the involvement of preman organizations in securing ports and coastlines in Jakarta, North Sulawesi, and the Riau Islands. The security of ports and coastal areas in the three provinces is of international importance because of their proximity to major sea lanes of communication. This book carefully maps out the tensions, contradictions, and implications of the use of preman organizations in the realization of Indonesia’s efforts to be a truly democratic civil society.

“Senia Febrica’s study of preman organizations in Indonesia reveals how they have been used by local governments to help secure ports, coastal areas and outlying islands in several provinces. This is a very well informed and detailed examination of a little-known subject supported by extensive interviews explaining the relationship between local government and these organizations.”
—Professor Leszek Buszynski, Visiting Fellow
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University.

“This important book highlights the informality and broader involvement of society in the provision of security. It is an insightful study that is of major relevance in understanding the realities of security in the Indonesian archipelago.”
—Dr Laurens Bakker, Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam. 

“This book demonstrates the intersection between the study of international relations, security studies and the study of international organizations. Senia Febrica has succeeded in showing the magnitude of the problem of preman and premanisme in Indonesia because it is not merely a local and street problem.”
—Adrianus Meliala, Professor of Criminology 
Universitas Indonesia


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