Whither Cambodia? Beyond the Election

Date of publication:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Number of pages:
About the publication
The Cambodian election was a subject of great concern before and during its implementation as many thought it was doomed to failure. Even the post-election situation today is fraught with uncertainty. Analysing the significance of the election and what might come after has not always been easy. Whither Cambodia? Beyond the Election, written by two well-known individuals, Timothy Carney and Tan Lian Choo, attempts to provide some answers. In his capacity as Director of the Division of Information and Education, UNTAC (the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia), Mr Carney helped to facilitate the electoral process in Cambodia. Ms Tan is the Bangkok correspondent of the Straits Times.
Whither Cambodia? Beyond the Election
[Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789814377881]