Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 7/1 (June 1985)

Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 7/1 (June 1985)
Date of publication:  June 1985
Number of pages:  78
Code:  CS7/1


  • Preliminary pages
  • Cultural Factors Affecting the Rural Development Interface of Thai Bureaucrats and Thai Muslim Villagers, by M Ladd Thomas, author
  • Regulating the Transfer of Technology: An Analysis of Malaysia's Experience, by Lim Chee Peng, author
  • Authoritarian Controls and News Media in the Philippines, by Joel Dresang, author
  • An Attitudinal Survey of Foreign Investors in Hong Kong: What are the Implications to the Southeast Asian Countries?, by Suk Ching Ho, author
  • DOCUMENTATION: Le Duan's Speech at the Sixth Plenum of CPV Central Committee
  • BOOK REVIEW: Political Economy of Philippine Commodities. By Randolf S. David et al., by Agus Dwiyanto, author

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