Divided Over Thaksin: Thailand's Coup and Problematic Transition

Divided Over Thaksin: Thailand's Coup and Problematic Transition
John Funston, editor
Date of publication:  2009
Publisher:  ISEAS / Silkworm Books
Number of pages:  203
Code:  BM377


"This book is a useful summary of political events and conflicts in Thailand up to mid-2009. It does not deal with the Red Shirt protests in Bangkok in Bangkok in 2010, but it provides useful background for anyone seeking to understand these events. An initial chapter (pp. 1-26) by Michael Montesano provides extremely useful detail on the events preceding the coup, plus an analysis of the political opponents of Thaksin. This is a useful book for anyone seeking greater detail about what has happened in Thailand since 2006. It presents information about the actual political events and alliances influencing the fall of Thaksin; the deeper political debates about the constitution; the divisions within the south of Thailand; and the impacts of turmoil on business and the economy. It also includes some useful analysis of economic trends, of inequality between provinces, urban and rural people, and of how these inequalities influence attitudes to Thaksin and the constitution. For these reasons, Divided Over Thaksin should be read by students and analysts of Thailand as an excellent summary of this country's political divisions" (South East Asia Research).

"This volume offers a rich analysis of multiple antagonisms and polarisations which keep Thailand from embracing a full-fledged participatory democracy and political stability, both at the national and at the local level. For this reason the book is a good introductory reading to all those who want to gain a broader understanding of the Thai entrenched political crisis" (ASEASUK News).

"John Funston's 13 highly eclectic essays on post-2006 coup Thailand serve as a handy reference for those interested in a review of the developments leading up to the 19 September 2006 coup, through to August 2007. In his introduction, Funston provides a concise chronology of the major post-coup events and lays out the book in part as a preliminary verdict on the Surayud Chulanont government. Montesano's sophisticated, comprehensive chapter includes some of the lesser highlighted, but crucial developments, in the Bangkok political theatre. It was the natural choice to begin the collection with, but also, in the absence of a concluding chapter of sorts, offers the most in the way of interpretive foreshadowing, as well as hints as to this brief but eventful period's place within modern Thai political history" (Asian Journal of Social Science).

About the publication

Thailand's political problems attracted international attention when yellow shirted anti-Thaksin protestors closed down Bangkok's international airports in November 2008; the following April pro-Thaksin red shirts prevented an ASEAN-East Asia Summit, and clashed violently with the army in the streets of Bangkok. Conflict between groups for and against former Prime Minister Thaksin has polarized Thai society. Under his watch, violence also returned to the Malay Muslim south, with the loss of over 3,000 lives. The military coup that ousted Thaksin was supposed to end all this, but instead polarization increased and southern violence continued. This book is about how Thaksin divided Thailand, the nature of the southern conflict, and problematic attempts to establish a consensus around a post-Thaksin political order.

Co-publication: ISEAS / Silkworm Books

ISEAS / Silkworm Books


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