Indonesia: Law and Society (2nd Edition)

Indonesia: Law and Society (2nd Edition)
Tim Lindsey, editor
Date of publication:  2008
Publisher:  The Federation Press
Number of pages:  734
Code:  BM348
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789812308191
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About the publication

Indonesia: Law and Society surveys the legal system of the worlds largest Muslim society, the gigantic Southeast Asian democracy with the worlds fourth-largest population. The book tracks and explains the extraordinary process of Reformasi, the radical programme of legal, political and social change that replaced authoritarianism after the fall of Soeharto in 1998.
           The authors cover a wide range of current legal issues in Indonesia, including: commercial law; land law; constitutional change; crime and violence; terrorism; Islamization; indigenous rights; corruption; judicial reform; environmental law; human rights; race and gender discrimination; competition law; labour law; and bankruptcy law.
           Indonesia: Law and Society is the most comprehensive English language analysis of current Indonesian law. Contributors include leading scholars and lawyers from Indonesia, Europe, the United States, and Australia. Designed for use by both specialists and beginners, it offers a detailed insight into legal and social controversies in contemporary Indonesia, as well as a general introduction to its complex legal system.

Co-publication: The Federation Press

The Federation Press

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