Governance in Indonesia: Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency

Governance in Indonesia: Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency
Date of publication:  2002
Number of pages:  308
Code:  BM239

About the publication

When Megawati Soekarnoputri became the President of Indonesia in July 2001, there were strong expectations. But so far, fundamental economic and political reforms have yet to be undertaken. The deadly Bali bombings on 12 October 2002 presented a wake-up call for the Megawati government. Terrorism on an international scale had now hit home. Now, more than ever, there is greater urgency on the part of the Megawati government to tackle the myriad of political and economic problems plaguing the country. This volume features some of the major issues that faced the Megawati government even before the devastating Bali attacks. The contributors include academics, practitioners and activists, offering a diversity of views.


  • Governance in Indonesia: Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency
    [Whole Publication, ISBN: 9789812305213]
  • Preliminary pages
  • 1: Introduction: Indonesia under Megawati, by Hadi Soesastro, author
  • 2. Abdurrahman Wahid's Presidency: What Went Wrong?, by Paulo Gorjao, author
  • 3. The Megawati Presidency: Challenge of Political Islam, by Azyumardi Azra, author
  • 4. Megawati's Search for an Effective Foreign Policy, by Dewi Fortuna Anwar, author
  • 5. Challenge of the TNI and Its Role in Indonesia's Future, by Jusuf Wanandi , author
  • 6. Constitutional Reforms, by Todung Mulya Lubis, author
  • 7. Indonesian Politics and the Issue of Justice in East Timor, by Kumiko Mizuno, author
  • 8. Secessionist Challenge in Aceh: Problems and Prospects, by Rizal Sukma, author
  • 9. Economic Overview, by Mohammad Sadli, author
  • 10. Role of the IMF in Indonesia's Financial Crisis, by Soedradjad Djiwandono, author
  • 11. Escaping the Debt Trap, by Tubagus Feridhanusetyawan, author
  • 12. Challenge of Fiscal Sustainability for the Megawati Government, by Anggito Abimanyu, author
  • 13. Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia, by Bambang Brodjonegoro, author
  • 14. Epilogue: The Bali Bombing and Responses to International Terrorism, by Anthony L Smith, author
  • Index, and note on The Editors

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