Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, and Democracy

Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, and Democracy
Date of publication:  2021
Publisher:  University of Notre Dame Press and ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute
Number of pages:  268
Code:  BM603
Soft Cover
ISBN: 9789814951104
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Reviewed by Jung Hoon Park in Asian Journal of Social Science, Vol 50 Issue 2, June 2022Click here to read the review.

"Each chapter is empirically well-grounded and offers insights into the democratic transition in Indonesia amid growing Islamic piety in many parts of the country. It also counters a pessimistic assessment of the comparability of Indonesian democracy with Islam by successfully pointing out that the undercurrent in democratising Indonesia remains civil and pluralistic. This book will serve as an essential and authoritative source of reference on the topic of interreligious relations in Indonesia and other Muslim countries." 

About the publication

The crisis of multiculturalism in the West and the failure of the Arab uprisings in the Middle East have pushed the question of how to live peacefully within a diverse society to the forefront. Against this backdrop, Indonesia—as the largest Muslim-majority country in the world and the third-largest democracy—has taken on particular importance. Some analysts say Indonesia offers proof of the compatibility of Islam and democracy, but sceptics argue that the growing religious intolerance that has marred the country’s political transition discredits this. Based on a twenty-month project carried out in several regions of Indonesia, Indonesian Pluralities shows that when assessing democracy and citizenship in Indonesia today, we must examine not only elections and official politics but also the less formal yet more pervasive processes of social recognition at work. The contributors demonstrate that in fact citizen ethics are not static discourses but living traditions that co-evolve in relation to broader patterns of politics, gender, religious resurgence and ethnicity in society.

Co-publication: University of Notre Dame Press and ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

ISEAS edition licensed from the University of Notre Dame Press by arrangement with Indiana University Press.

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